Academic Standing

The Chancellor’s List recognizes undergraduate degree-seeking students with superb records of academic performance. To qualify for the Chancellor’s List during the fall or spring semester, a full-time student must be in good academic standing and earn a grade point average of at least 3.8 in 12 or more credit hours graded A, B, or C, with no grade less than C. A part-time student must be in good academic standing and earn a combined Fall and Spring grade point average of at least 3.8 in 12 or more credit hours graded A, B, or C, with no grade less than C. To qualify for the Chancellor’s List as a part-time student, a student must enroll on a part-time basis in both Fall and Spring semesters in the same academic year. Students who receive the grade of AU, H, or P are not excluded from recognition as long as 12 hours are completed with A, B, or C. Students who receive the grade of D, F, I, NR, or N are not eligible for recognition. Chancellor’s List recognition appears on the student’s academic record (official transcript).
The Dean’s List recognizes undergraduate degree-seeking students with outstanding records of academic performance. To qualify for the Dean’s List during the Fall or Spring semester, a full-time student must be in good academic standing and earn a grade point average of at least 3.4 and not more than 3.79 in 12 or more credit hours graded A, B, or C, with no grade less than a C. A part-time student must be in good academic standing and earn a combined Fall and Spring grade point average of at least 3.4 and not more than 3.79 in 12 or more credit hours graded A, B, or C, with no grade less than C. To qualify for the Dean’s List as a part-time student, a student must enroll on a part-time basis in both Fall and Spring semester in the same academic year.
Students who receive the grade of AU, H, or P are not excluded from recognition as long as 12 hours are completed with grades of A, B, or C. Students who receive the grade of D, F, I, NR, or N are not eligible for recognition. Dean’s List recognition appears on the student’s academic record (official transcript).
Good Academic Standing
To remain in good academic standing, a student must maintain: (1) a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 and (2) a cumulative ratio of earned to attempted credit hours of at least two-thirds.
Academic Standing Warning
A student who meets the cumulative requirements for academic standing but performs below a 2.0 GPA in the semester of the evaluation or performs below the two-thirds cumulative ratio of earned to attempted hours is given a “academic standing warning.” This indicates potential academic problems and is communicated to the student and to the student’s advisor and major department(s). Academic standing warnings do not appear on the student’s permanent academic record, and the transcript notation will reflect “good academic standing.”
Academic Probation
A student whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 is placed on academic probation. This status is noted on the student’s permanent academic record with the semester of the evaluation and continues until the next evaluation opportunity.
Academic Suspension
A student on academic probation whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 at the next evaluation is suspended from the University, unless the student’s GPA for that semester is at least 2.3, in which case the student remains on probation instead. Academic suspension is noted on the student’s permanent academic record.
Want to learn more? Check out university policy here.